註釋China: Revolution and Counterrevolution features analysis of the Chinese Revolution, the present Chinese economy, the trend towards capitalist restoration and how socialists inside the United States can lend their support to the people of China. China: revolution and counterrevolution is a unique contribution to the left, using a Marxist analysis to identify political and social trends in China 30 years after the introduction of capitalist market reforms."The 1949 Chinese Revolution placed China squarely on the path toward socialist development. While elements of that revolution remain, the country and the ruling social order have dynamically moved toward the restoration of capitalist property relations.It is our assertion that if the overthrow of the Communist Party of China were carried out by forces of domestic counterrevolution-forces that would be vigorously supported by U.S. imperialism-it would represent a historic setback for China."-China: revolution and counterrevolution"China: revolution and counterrevolution is a timely short history of modern China that captures all the essential achievements and challenges facing Chinese socialism today. This book captures the drama and excitement of China's success, the dangers inherent in market socialism, and the contradictions of building a new society in the world's biggest developing country."-David Ewing, U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association, San FranciscoTable of ContentsI. Overview: What do socialists defend in China today? II. China today -- Capitalism and socialism in China -- Is China's foreign policy of appeasement sustainable? -- Independent development vs. imperialist domination -- Behind U.S. smears against China -- Tibet, imperialism, and self-determination -- Tiananmen Square and the threat of counterrevolutionIII. China and socialism -- Lenin and the NEP: Can market methods build socialism? -- China's 'socialist market economy' -- An appeal from within the CPC: 'Precarious is China's socialism ' IV. China's revolutionary legacy -- The Red Army: a new kind of military -- The contributions of Mao Zedong -- The Sino-Soviet split -- Phases of China's socialist revolutionAppendix: PSL Resolution on China