Escape from Plauen, a True Story
註釋ESCAPE FROM PLAUEN tells the story of war’s depravation but also tells the story of faith and the will to triumph against all odds. “An artist as well as a writer, Renate Stoever has an artist's sensibility that lends beauty to her writing. As a result, the reader is not just an observer, but also a participant in her experience.This memoir of a remarkable life is a polished gem. It will keep you turning pages until the last word.” —Christine Royer, retired Vice-President of Public Affairs, Barnard College, N.Y. “I’ve been a professional editor for more than thirty years, and Escape From Plauen is better writing than the work of most professional writers I've edited. This is an amazing story, and it is incredibly well written.” —Mike Slizewski, professional editor Parts of this book moved me to tears...creating powerful images of destruction...great choice of words describing the emotion, terror, and horror of war as seen first hand through the eyes of a child. What a great read...riveting....” —Carol Kreit, author of First Wives’ Tool Kit.