Insect Pathology
Yoshinori Tanada
Harry K. Kaya
Gulf Professional Publishing
, 1993
Medical / Pathology
Science / Life Sciences / Biology
Science / Life Sciences / Zoology / Entomology
Science / Life Sciences / General
Technology & Engineering / Agriculture / General
Associations between insects and nonpathogenic microorganisms; Symbiosis; External microbiota; Insect-Cultivated fungi; Internal microbiota; Internal microbiota of termites; Intrahemocoelic and intracellular microbiota; Role of symbionts; Reproductive incompatibility; Methods of obtaining aposymbiotic hosts; Transmission of symbionts through; Host generations; References; Amicrobial and microbial agents; Amicrobial diseases; Microbial diseases; References; Bacterial infections: Bacillaceae; Symptoms and pathology; Portals of entry; Types of entomopathogenic bacteria; Family bacillaceae; References; Other bacterial infections; Pseudomonadaceae infections; Enterobacteriaceae infections; Vibrionaceae infections; Streptococcaceae infections; Actinommycetes infections; Rickettsial infections; Class mollicutes; DNA-viral infections: baculoviridae; Viral structure and replication; Insect viral classification; Hosts and tissue culture Types of insect viruses; Family baculoviridae; Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses; Granulosis viruses; Nonoccluded viruses; Other dna-viral infections; Polydnaviridae-ds DNA, enveloped; Poxviridae-dsDNA, enveloped; Ascoviridae-dsDNA, enveloped; Iridoviridae-dsDNA, nonenveloped; Parvoviridae-ssDNA, nonenveloped; RNA-viral infections: reoviridae; Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses; Muscareovirus-house fly virus; Other rna-viral infections; Birnaviridae-bisegmented, dsrna; Rhabdoviridae-ssrna, enveloped; Picornaviridae-ssrna, nonenveloped; Caliciviridae-ssrna, nonenveloped; Tetraviridae(Nudaurelia B virus group)-ssrna, nonenveloped; Nodaviridae-ssrna, nonenvelopd; Fungal infections; Classication; Structure and reproduction; Hosts; Pathogenicity; Signs and symptoms; Effect of environmental conditions; Subdivision mastigomycotia; Subdivision zygomycotina, class zygomycetes, order mucorales; Subdivision ascomycotina; Subdivision basiodiomycotina; Subdivision deuteromycotina; Protozoan infections: Zoomastigina, rhzopoda, and ciliophora; Historical aspects; Relation of protozoa to insects; Portals of entry; Pothogenesis, signs, and symptoms; Zoomstigina (flagellate) infections; Rhizopoda (Amoebic) infections; Ciliophora (Ciliate) infections; Protozoan infections: Apicomplexa, microspora: Apicomplexa, gregarinia; Apicomplexa, coccidia; Microspora, microsporea; Nematodes, nematomorphs, and platyhelminthes; Historical review; Taxonomy; General life cycle of nematodes; Associations with insect hosts; Types of insect-nematode associations; Host specifity; Mode of infection; Host resistance; Pathology; Biology and life cycle of selected nematodes; Nematomorpha; Platylminthes; Host resistance: Resistence at the species level; Insect age and stage; Nutritional factors; Physical factors; Morphological and physiological defenses; Hematology; Blood clotting; Cellular immunity; Insect plasma and humoral immunity; Innate humoral immunity; Passively acquired inmunity; Microbial control; Approaches to microbial control; Economic threshold; Factors affecting efficacy; Safety; Molecular genetics; Microbial pesticides; Microbial production; Formulation; Stadardization; Storage; Application technology; Advantages and disadvantages of microbial control; Examples of long-term control; Examples of the ipm approach; Destructions of symbionts; Epizootiology; Definition of some epizootiological terms; Modeling; Key factors in epizootiology; The environment present status.