Development of an Accessory for Laparoscopic Surgery that Provides a Wider Field of View of the Environment During the Procedure
註釋Spindel is a product that seeks to create value for surgeons specialized in laparoscopic surgery, since it offers a wider field of view and guarantees greater control over the procedure. In this way, blind spots are reduced, time is optimized, costs are reduced, and greater patient safety is provided. The product will be presented through visits to hospitals and surgeons specialized in laparoscopic surgery. In addition, participation in congresses and surgery conferences will allow potential clients to know the product. Afterwards, long-term links will be created with the clients, seeking to offer a product, its maintenance, and its updates, by means of which the revenues will be generated. As a key, we offer a product of high quality and great innovation, in terms of high resolution, service life, ease of sterilization, low impact on the environment, and be a standardized accessory. The manufacturing of the product will be outsourced...