Beacon Handbook and Desk Reference Set
註釋"The Beacon Handbook and Desk Reference provides complete coverage of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, diction, and the research and writing processes in a convenient, affordable format.

Highly accessible, the text offers grammatical terms and principles explained in everyday language. Hand-edited sentences throughout the book help students learn to correct faulty writing, and "Quick Reference boxes summarize important information for easy review. The book also contains the latest APA and MLA guidelines and advice on using and evaluating Internet sources.A full-color 80-page Almanac at the end of the handbook contains useful information such as proofreading symbols, commonly misspelled words, U.S. presidents, a timeline of American history, and the periodic table of elements.An annotated MLA research paper and a paper that illustrates all stages of the writing process are included.The book features connected discourse exercises throughout. Each exercise examines a single topic, allowing students to apply newly learned information and skills within a realistic, coherent context.