The Impact of "populism" on Social, Political, and Economic Development in the Hemisphere
Vladimir Torres
Canadian Foundation for the Americas
Canadian Foundation for the Americas/Fondation Canadienne pour les Ameriques
, 2006
History / Americas (North, Central, South, West Indies)
Historically, populism arises in the so if the re-distributive policies are abandoned by context of political crises, when the legitimacy of focusing exclusively on investment and institutions is questioned, and the status quo of production, thus halting the enlargement of local the political system seems incapable of markets. [...] On the The increased polarization within countries is other, it feeds the perpetuation of a climate of another trend that erodes democratic institutions crisis and instability that jeopardizes the return to and favours the emergence of populist institutional channels for political expression. [...] Although in Latin America the issue to what extent the essential elements of of building institutions has been for the most part representative democracy, listed in articles 3 and absent from the political discussion, it is now 4 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter of the critical to counteract the growing threat of Organization of American States (OAS), are populism. [...] In the Venezuelan case, the assertion regarding On the one hand the legitimization of elected the independence of all branches of power being officials and their accountability helps prevent trumped by the executive is most noticeable crises of representation, whilst on the other when evaluating the elections body. [...] The nature of the challenges in the marginalized from -or by- the political system; and hemisphere, particularly in the social arena given where the democratic institutions are weaker and the critical poverty situation and income governance flawed.