Hope Reigns - Beyond 2012
The Real Secret of the End of Time, Ascension into the 5Th Dimension
出版BalboaPress, 2011-05-26
主題Religion / Spirituality
註釋The Real Secret of the End of Time, Ascension Into The 5-Dimension

The current events and those in the future do not signify the end of the world nor are they a punishment from God. They do, however, represent the end of time. Most importantly they symbolize the end of the world as we know and understand it. This book provides a message of hope for the dramatic period of darkness that is upon us, and a view into the future as New Terra ascends into the 5-Dimension. It depicts a vision of a world where heaven on earth is a reality.

These cycles of time have been announced for centuries in Revelations of the Bible, the Mayan Calendar, and in the oral traditions of most known cultures. While history repeats itself, this is the last age of illusion, which means our evolution into a new level of humanity.