Cultural Landscapes and the Lifeworld
Literary Images of Banaras : Based on the Writings of Kabir, Tulasi, Mirza Ghalib, Bhartendu Harishchandra, Rudra Kashikeya, Bhishma Sahni, Raja Rao, Shivprasad Singh, Abdul Bismillah, Kashinath Singh, Pankaj Mishra
出版Indica Books, 2004
註釋This book expounds in a colourful way the diverse literaryimages that Banaras, the city known as the Cultural Capital ofIndia and the holiest city for Hindus, has inspired and continuesto inspire in different writers in the course of history. Fewother cities in the world have so sparked the imagination ofthe artists as this paradoxical and undescribable city whichseems to integrate all contradictions.Kabir, Tulasi Das, Mirza Ghalib, Bhartendu Harishchandra,Rudra Kashikeya, Bishma Sahni, Raja Rao, Shivprasad Singh,Abdul Bismillah, Kashinath Singh and Pankhaj Mishra, allwrote about the Banaras of their time or of the past. Rana P.B.Singh, an undisputed authority on the city of Banaras, analysestheir literary images and the cultural traditions describedtherein, interpreting them in the purview of cultural symbolsand lived traditions which have maintained their continuitysince the ancient past.