Hybrid Homes
Vietnamese-Australian Families with Young Children
出版La Trobe University, 2008
註釋This thesis presents findings from ethnographic research into the home environment of Vietnamese-Australian families with young children in Melbourne, Australia. This work captures the views and practices of parents at a pivotal point in their lives. It is an illuminating stage for understanding processes of cultural construction, as young parents must respond to new situations and make decisions daily about the parenting methods they will employ. Cross-cultural differences in practices and beliefs are compounded by the immigrant experience whereby parenting strategies are simultaneously pulled toward familiar practices and pushed to adapt to new codes of conduct. The immigrant home emerged in this study as a site of simultaneous resistance to and accommodation of new cultural values and norms. Parents had clear ideas about what it meant to parent in a "Vietnamese" or "Australian" style, and they consciously situated themselves between the two. Parents were idealistic in wanting to keep some "traditional" practices, but they were also pragmatic, looking across cultures for ideas on how to raise their children.