其他書名 | Divided Into Three Bookes. VVherein is Set Downe at Length the Whole Matter and Nature of Diet for Those in Health, But Especially for the Sicke; the Aire, and Other Elements; Meat and Drinke, with Divers Other Things; Various Controversies Concerning this Subject are Discussed: Besides Many Pleasant Practicall and Historicall Relations, Both of the Authours Owne and Other Mens, &c. as by the Argument of Each Booke, the Contents of the Chapters, and a Large Table, May Easily Appeare. Colellected [sic] as Well Out of the Writings of Ancient Philosophers, Greeke, Latine, and Arabian, and Other Moderne Writers; as Out of Divers Other Authours. Newly Published by Iames Hart, Doctor in Physicke |
出版 | Iohn Beale, 1633 |
URL | http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=9Vt-vgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api |