Indice di scritture che sono nell'Archivio vaticano segreto
註釋Compilation, probably done in Rome around 1669, of indices of manuscripts from the Archivio vaticano segreto, one of the archives of the Biblioteca vaticana containing material dealing with matters of state. The ms. contains several different indices: the first (leaves [2]-[51]) lists the archival material alphabetically according to subject, from "Aqua putrida" to "Vallis montiones." Leaves [52]-[58], entitled "Extravagantes summorum Pontificum non impressae," contain a chronological list of the bulls preserved in manuscript form issued by popes from Innocence VI to Julius II. An index of material dealing with the relations of the Papacy with foreign states--a miscellaneous collection of briefs, letters, instructions, relations, notes, speeches, and treatises taken from 17 v. marked "A"-"S", appears on leaves [59]-[118]. "Indice di nove volumi di M. Monterentii [Bishop Giulio Monterenzio?] segnati a tergo con lettere grandi ABCDEFGHI ... 1669" (leaves [119]-[166]) lists materials and cross-references for 9 v. of Monterenzio material. Finally, leaves [167]-[230], "Index scripturarum [con] existentium in Castro Sancti Angeli in camera thesaurari," contain an index of manuscript privileges and letters housed in the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, compiled by the Florentine Dominican, Father Zanobi Acciaiuolo, and issued under Leo X (1513-1521). Material is divided by subject area, and by location in white or colored linen bags