What impels a Mohandas Gandhi or a Martin Luther King, Jr.?How does religious experience animate a lifetime of dedicationand drive for social justice?
In this instructive and inspiring account, Christian ethicist CurtissDeYoung profiles three of the most dynamic and influentialreligious activists of the twentieth century: Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Malcolm X, and Aung San Suu Kyi – each from a differentgeneration, a different faith community, and a different continent.His portraits show how their mystic faith drove them to justicecommitments and beyond customary boundaries between peoplefrom other traditions, countries, and ways of life.
Living Faith is more than a set of inspiring portraits. It alsopowerfully analyzes how these figures – along with such otherluminaries as Rigoberta Menchú, Nelson Mandela, WinonaLaDuke, Fannie Lou Hamer, Elie Wiesel, Thich Nhat Hanh, andthe Dalai Lama – shared a fiery core experience and commoncharacteristics that empowered their lives and work.