Spending time in nature can raise some serious questions. After contemplating your own mortality, you may start to wonder: Why don’t deer noses freeze in the winter? What does mammoth taste like? Do fish feel pain? These are important questions, and Robert M. Zink has the answers.
Bringing together the common and the enigmatic, The Three-Minute Outdoorsman Returns includes over seventy three-minute essays in which Zink responds to the queries that have yet to cross your mind. Drawing on his zoological background, Zink condenses the latest scientific discoveries and delivers useful, entertaining information on the great outdoors. Can a sheep’s horns be too big? Was the Labrador duck a hybrid? Why did I miss that clay target? A large section on deer covers topics ranging from deer birth control backfiring, new information on Chronic Wasting Disease, supplemental feeding, and deer genetics. Other essays explore land, aquatic animals, and humanity’s relationship with nature, thus making this book of wild science an essential for any outdoors person.