Book of Environmental Science
註釋This book has been designed to meet the requirements of All Educated Ladies and Gents of India and abroad, NGOs who are dealing with all types of Environmental Models, Social Worker, Environmental development Institutions and Academies and students studying at schools and colleges, and all academicians and Environmental scientists who are doing a great deal for Environment. The present book is a novel attempt to cover a wide range of the problems of Environment in the segment of Development of Environment among the people of all kinds of personalities in the human beings of the world. This book faces very busy ideological preparedness in my life. It is in the context of managerial work that we have studied this aspect of English literature, but in this book it has by no means limited to that context. Busy idleness is a disease that affects everybody and pervades every aspect of life. Active non-action is the word that I would like to explain here.In our professional life, we always face problems in the shape of daily problem solving activities. Problems require a big picture perspective--which means reflection, systematic planning, creative thinking and time. Operational activities squeeze important problems out. Daily routines, superficial behavior, poorly prioritized unfocused tasks leech managers` capacities- making unproductive business.The problem is not a lack of knowledge or resources. The real problem is that they simply do not do those things. They spend their time spinning their wheels, attending meetings and responding to every little query and problem. Management is "the art of getting things done." Managers must act themselves and mobilize collective action on the part of others. The gap between knowledge and action, stretches wide and few managers seem able to cross it. The kind of behavior that exhibited active non-action as it is called pervasive corporate "knowing-doing gap." Managers always complain about the problem of active non-action but have not fully understood the underlying dynamics.When driven by deep personal commitment to the goal that cuts out distractions and overcomes difficulties. The purposeful action is not a quick shuffle or mere flirtation with ideas. It is action taking to produce certain results with undivided resolve. Although external issues in an organization can make this kind of action taking difficulties. We are deeply indebted to all the Websites and Academicians, Researchers, HR professionals and all Managers who participated directly or indirectly in authoring this book, giving us generously not only their time but also their knowledge and perspectives. I have mentioned a few of them in the book, but many others who provided their cooperation a lot go unnamed. I pay my deep acknowledgement from my core of heart to all concerned people to pay their hearty as well as practical help to this book. And to so many others who have been left unnamed. We are also grateful to the United States of America and United Kingdom of England for their great help from Educational Associations of Management Studies, which provided a management literature, without that nothing was possible. I am also thankful to community of colleagues whose help and advice improved the quality of our thinking and portrayal of this book. This book seeks to serve as a reliable guide and companion to all Environment professionals and all those who are involved directly or indirectly with the Environment of different groups. Although efforts are required for a drastic change in the Management studies in India or in abroad, yet it will still take quite some time to get those proposals translated into reality. With more emphasis on the relationships among Owners, HR professional and workmen, the improvement on organization productivity has not been crossed the appropriate level of the present requirement. In this context I would like to enunciate that the Capitalism or hoarding of resources at .