Whilst never really excelling at school, I graduated with the ordinariest of degrees BA Business Studies, specializing in marketing at Teesside Polytechnic. I then had a 20 year career in Marketing with well known employers, earning above average wage.
At the age of 29 I had a psychosis and was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Affective Disorder. Over a period of 14 years I experienced eight psychotic episodes where my actions and thoughts were determined by "voices in the head", resulting in periods of psychotic behaviour often ending in police custody. It was dangerous in reality, but amusing in recollection being, banned from a number of establishments and singing "Help" to the County Court in Birkenhead as they tried to charge me with breach of the peace. There then followed subsequent periods of treatment, side-effects and depression.
I continued with my career, to the best of my ability, given the impact and seriousness of the condition, but both career and marriage slowly fell apart over time due to its consequences.
In 2006 life began to settle down, having found suitable medication and coming to terms with living with Bi-Polar. Circumstances took me very close to suicide and bankruptcy with several changes in unsuitable employment in the last four years. A search for work that did not cause a stressful reaction that could cause further health problems somehow led to employment as a postal clerk at a major organization in Liverpool City Centre.
What a strange web we weave.