To every married man of the cloth that’s in high office of a bishop, pastor, or apostle, that has a church building or a place of worship, the title of First Lady automatically becomes a part of her life, whether they have the right spirit or not. When you search the word First Lady, you will find that the only definition is the wife of the president of the United States. In most denominations, pastor’s wives are First Ladies in the church world. It sounds distinguished and looks glamorous, but all it means is you are the wife of a leader of an organization. Being a married couple, you are one, so that means his load becomes your load and his hurts becomes your hurt and so on. Being in ministry and being the wife of a pastor is a very serious position in the body of Christ; you must be supportive in every way, working diligently for the kingdom of God.
I’ve seen, met, and fellowshipped with many of them and came to the realization that the characteristics of a First Lady (wife of a pastor) must be spiritual. Some First Ladies sit like trophies on a shelf, looking beautiful, shinning like a diamond, but as she began to sit and look like a queen, without the love and spirit of God living on the inside of her heart, dust will begin to land on the surface of her heart clogging up her ears, blinding up her eyes, and showing fourth what the Bible calls the spirit of darkness. As you begin to read and meditate on the spirit of a First Lady, you will see how having the spirit of God living inside you makes the difference in dealing with people who the word of God call souls weather there in or out of the church. You will also see that underneath that exquisite hat is a radiant smile, a heart full of praise, and a never-ending blessing.