Clean Up Your Room: The Eternal Spotless Mind of Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson imagines he has a spotless mind. In fact, it's filthy. This book deconstructs his worldview and shows how dirt-encrusted it is. If you want the Truth of reality, come inside and discover the real Truth. You won't like it, but Truth is under no obligation to be what you want it to be. Peterson claims that the Truth is "Darwinian". In fact, it is eternal. It is perfect, immutable and absolute. It has never evolved. It cannot evolve. It is what it is permanently and ineradicably. All Darwinian "truths" are lies. Evolution is not predicated on the promotion of Truth. It is all about survival and reproduction, regarding which lies have proved astoundingly effective, which is why all humans, whether they admit it or not, are consummate liars. The Lie is archetypally Darwinian: ever-mutating and constantly subject to natural selection, producing the survival of the "fittest" lies, the most adaptive and useful lies – lies for living.