The Equity Rescue Trust Deed Pledge Plan

A transformative approach to investing in real estate from a seasoned industry professional

In today's precarious real estate market, there are many financial pitfalls. Yet, there are substantial profit opportunities to be had. So how do we make sense of the landscape and invest wisely?

For centuries, the financial problem of foreclosure has never been solved - until now.

As a real estate broker with fifty years of experience in the business, Robert L. Evans witnessed far too often the devastating effects of foreclosure on home and business owners. And while property owners counted their losses, other industries counted their profits. Disrupting the cycle, Evans presents his solution for avoiding the financial catastrophe brought on by recessions and foreclosures.

In The Equity Rescue Trust Deed Pledge Plan, Evans outlines his Trust Deed Pledge Plan (TDPP), defining the normal investment aspects of risk, reward, and optimal timing in a unique way. Featuring original investment strategies, the TDPP examines how real estate law is structured, applied, and complied with to identify new purpose and objectives for secure investing. A revolutionary tome for the real estate industry, The Equity Rescue Trust Deed Pledge Plan is a must-read for anyone interested in real estate investment design and innovation.