註釋This book, written by German Officers in American captivity and produced by the US muilitary intelligence services, looks at two Second World War campaigns which are often forgotten amidst the great battles of Russia and Normandy: operations against Norway in 1940 and the German operations launched from Finland against the Soviet Union from June 1941 to the winter of 1944-45. Part One gives significant details of the planning and execution of the invasion of Norway, and discusses naval participation in the operation. The campaign itself is detailed chronologically, and problems are discussed as well as solutions. The whole campaign in subject to a detailed analysis, and for this reason alone the book needs to be available to any student of the Second World War. What makes the book even more valuable however is its evaluation in Part Two of German-Finnish co-operation from 1941-44. Planning and preparation are shown in detail, as well as Operations Silberfuchs, Platinfuchs and Polarfuchs. The German mountain troops operating in the area were constantly in danger from the weather and the Russians, and conditions are commented upon in detail. There are also notes on rank distinctions (German and Finnish), a chronology and a list of major participants, together with a glossary. Accompanied by 23 maps, nine of which relate to the campaign in Norway.