William Law
註釋In "A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life," William Law attacks pious hypocrisy and the corruption of the church. The prose in Law's work is fresh and vivid, as he illustrates the holy Christian life as one lived wholly for God. Law's thoughts on prayer, personal holiness and service to the poor will resonate with many contemporary readers. John and Charles Wesley were not the only to have benefited from Law's work. Many have credited this book as the one that revolutionized their spiritual life. Law exhorts Christians to offer all aspects of one's life and work as holy to God - work, finances, relationships, worship, prayer, etc. He reminds us of the Christian virtues of love, humility, peace, simplicity and conforming ourselves to God's will. A work that should not be forgotten or neglected by modern Christians, "A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life" is a well written resource about living a life devoted to God. This book, which was on John Wesley's bookshelf, is a true classic in the realm of Christian literature.