Scottage Garage
註釋The body is material. It responds consciously, subconsciously, and preconsciously to stimuli of many types. Sounds, smells, textures, and temperature profoundly condition our experience of inhabiting built space yet are rarely considered in contemporary buildings. This project is situated in a cloud of architectural investigations that include phenomenology, critical regionalism, modernism, and the primary function of detailing. Central to all of these fields of inquiry is the materiality of the built world. My goal is to establish a method in which material and graphical explorations will inform my design process. Working at multiple scales, I will seek resonance between logics of detailed joinery, gestalt tectonics and pre-existing systems in order to discover a meaningful method of making and communicating architecture. The uncommon position of a private heirloom in a national park provides an opportunity to embed contemporary and remembered values for future generations. Starting with familial culture and physiographic systems and proceeding to material and tectonic logics I investigate the concurrent systems that create architecture. "The park experience, now and in the future, should be a dynamic interaction of human values based on the perpetuation of natural features in as near to pristine conditions as possible. This plan recognizes man, where present, as part of the park's ecosystem, but the major emphasis is on the perpetuation of natural processes." -1975 master plan for Rocky Mountain National Park.