註釋Joe Caruana was born in Gibraltar on 13 November 1937. He attended Gibraltar Technical College. He worked as a draughtsman at the Air Ministry in Gibraltar and the UK and studied Engineering at the London Polytechnic. He became a specialist in industrial diamonds. Joe's public life started in 1966 when he became founding secretary of the Gibraltar Junior Chamber of Commerce. In 1967 he joined the executive of the Integration with Britain Party in Gibraltar. The IWBP won the 1969 general elections, and he served as Minister for Medical Services from 1969-70, and from 1970-72 as Minister for Public Works (also Housing). He served as a member of the Gibraltar Council and was chairman of several important committees including the Development and Planning Commission. With his family Joe went to Canada and stayed there for twelve years, starting a successful business in his old profession in the industrial diamond drilling industry. Around 1984 Joe volunteered to help at a home that helped teenage prostitutes and drug addicts called Exodus House, run by lay Franciscan brothers, an order he joined at the time.