Rotation, Reflection, and Frame Changes

Orthogonal tensors are mainly used to describe rotation. They play a central role in robotics, rigid-body kinematics, and all other branches of engineering mechanics, especially for modelling elastic and inelastic behavior of materials. Whilst vast literature is available for common rotation-related tasks, such as coordinate changes, most reference books tend to cover one or two methods for handling rotations, while often neglecting relatively obscure rotation-related tasks, such as statistical sampling of rotation for multiscale constitutive modeling. Further specialized rotation-related research can be found only in disparate journal articles. Of the few books that do exist, most are aimed at mathematicians, leaving a need for this self-contained engineering focused review that covers both elementary and advanced concepts.

Rotation, Reflection, and Frame Changes presents a refreshingly broad range of rotation-related research that is routinely needed in modern engineering practice. By including theorems and physical insight acquired over her 30+ career as both as laboratory and university researcher, Rebecca Brannon has created a truly practical and accessible guide for engineers and scientists in engineering mechanics. Although the book assumes familiarity with multivariate calculus, linear algebra, and elementary tensor analysis, tutorials and provided computer source code guide the reader through more advanced topics.