The Indian Constitution: People, Politics And Government

India, also known as Bharat, is a confederation of independent states. There is a parliamentary form ofgovernment in place for this Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. The Constitution of India, which was approved by Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949 and took effect on January 26, 1950, is the supreme law of the Republic. The Indian judicial system is well established and longstanding. Its judicial and legal systems date back centuries and represent a living heritage that has developed alongside and reflected the experiences of its many citizens. The Constitution of India, which established India as a "Sovereign Democratic Republic", lays out the basis for the country's respect for the rule of law. It establishes a federal system alongside a parliamentary system of government for both the Union and the States, as well as an independent judiciary, fundamental rights, as well as directive principles for state policy. Parliamentary system of government with certain unitary characteristics is established by the Constitution. The President is the constitutional leader of the Union's executive branch. Article 79 of the Indian Constitution establishes the President and the two Houses, Council of States (Rajya Sabha) as well as House of the People (Lok Sabha), as the Parliament of the Union. According to Article 74(1) of Constitution, the President shall be assisted and advised by a Council of Ministers, which shall have the Prime Minister as its head. Therefore, the Council of Ministers, with Prime Minister at its helm, is the true seat of executive authority.