Dragon Sire

He’s a dragon in disguise, dark and brooding.

She’s a witch on the run, hiding a murderous secret.

The bold, beautiful woman makes the beast inside him roar.

The sexy man with fire in his eyes makes her burn with desire.

He needs a mate.

She needs a place to hide.

Getting rid of each other was the plan. Falling in love was not.

Their coupling was forbidden, the consequences their undoing.

There’s something strange about the forest, something a little bit off. The aroma of freshly baked breads, cakes and candies entices careless wanderers to venture through the thick foliage and come inside. Curious, they quickly become disoriented by a fake, yellow fog that leads them directly to the home of Marsha Mallow.


Her tasty treats are sweet on the tongue, and a few bites is all it takes to shrink grown men and women to the size of a troll, their ears forming pointy tips and their voices that of a child. The witless minions work for her, eagerly obeying her commands as if she were a queen.


Marsha’s magic doesn’t always work as it should, and mistakes are made. She once tried to turn a child into one of her tiny workers, but the little guy transformed into a feeble old man who could barely get around on his own.


She thought she was the only inhabitant of the forest… it was her forest... until she came across a house built into the side of a mountain and hidden except for its door. She boldly knocked and a man wearing nothing but a loincloth lured her inside. He was sexy in a raw, savage sort of way, and hiding a wicked secret of his own.


The nearly naked man, with thighs the size of tree trunks, makes her burn with desire, but she won’t let her lust get in the way of her plan… not this time.


As she stood there looking at him, evil thoughts filled her brain. She will turn him into one of her witless workers. A man his size will be of great use to her.


What she doesn’t know is that this man is different from any man she has known. There’s dragon in his blood. He came to the forest to escape the authorities, and he doesn’t need a witch like Marsha Mallow sniffing around.


Getting rid of each other was the plan. Falling in love was not. Their coupling was forbidden, and the consequences will be their undoing. The child they created, a combination of witch and dragon, was born to kill them.