
 Have you ever wondered what happened to the disciples after the book of Acts?

This book tries to explain as much about these disciples as can be found using extra-biblical material that has come to light since the beginning of the early church. It is compelling reading, utilizing a variety of sources documented from a variety of people, giving as much detail as can be gleaned at this time.  The author has tried to fill in many of the gaps in their stories without adding to anything, but purely showing the tremendous contribution these people made to our world: the suffering they endured, and the commitment they displayed, all in Yeshua’s name.

The author attempts to tell the story of some of these well-known characters from the New Testament, from Paul of Tarsus, to James the Lord's brother,  as well as Barnabas, Timothy, and a host of others who were to go and turn the world upside down and produce what we now call Christianity.

The book and it chapters are written in no particular chronological order, but it is hoped that it will serve to inspire the readership to greater things than they may be content with, as well as educate the unknowledgeable about the life and dedication of the Early Church and their message.