Quantum Philosophy

What could you accomplish by knowing the ways in which God works? This book makes bold claims then delivers. Read this book in entirety and I promise you will be forever improved. God wants you to understand, this is the reason you were created to be rational. Some people may have a negative outlook on things this book exposes because they are ill prepared. This is a powerful book so you may need to clear your schedule before engaging it. Truth does not need me for it to be true. I welcome the chance to rationalize life through reasoning and faith. I want to be perfect but will settle for being right more often then not. This book is not to be believed it is to be understood.

This book is fun yet in time this book will be studied and referenced around the world for a multitude of reasons, it is timeless. Prior to reading this book make a list of all questions that has found no answer in your life then check them off as you read. No one who truly looks will find an inadequate answer. This book will interact with you and your thoughts. This is why is why I added space for you to write on. By writing in this book you carry out the second half of its purpose. If this book stays in mint condition with no added thoughts it remains incomplete.