Valuing Diversity
註釋Noting that children who learn to accept and value human diversity will develop the open, flexible approach to life that is needed in today's world, this book examines ways to help young children learn to appreciate cultural diversity in the classroom. Following introductory chapters on the value of diversity and a child's right to the valuing of diversity, the first part of the book examines educational goals and describes a unique, unfolding perspective on education that values human diversity. Commitments teachers must make to themselves and their communities are also discussed. This section includes guidelines for selection of learning materials and activities as well as ideas for a well-rounded environment. The second part suggests ways to expand familiar teaching strategies and curriculum ideas with other appropriate resources to create a truly integrated approach to learning and teaching. The third part includes a list of over 100 children's books and recordings, a resource list of 100 publishers, organizations, and suppliers of educational materials, and a bibliography listing over 160 items. (TJQ)