A Study of Changes in Fracture Healing in the Albino Rat and Mouse Subjected to Radiation and Dietary Deficiencies
註釋A confirmation study was done on the effect of low intensity gamma radiation on incisure healing in the albino rat. Animals on a radiation level of 10-r daily healed at a slower rate than nonirradiated rats, with the degree of healing measured at close time intervals by a densitometric technique. The proximal ossific center of the tibia and of a site in the tibia shaft of the same rats was higher in non-irradiated and in 10-r irradiated animals. A preliminary sub-project was made of the influence of vitamin D in bone repair (incisure healing) in mature rats. Rats on 500 IU of this vitamin healed more rapidly than those of 50 IU, which in turn healed faster than those highly deficient in this nutrient. Bone density and bone breaking stress differed in these animals.