
The world scenario today is changing at a fast pace. The present era is the era of new thinking and new behavior. For the entire world, this is an age of transition. This phase of transition in human behavior, social-cultural setup, political thinking and environmental changes is having a profound impact on the contemporary global scenario. Human thinking, activity and behavior are affected by a number of economic, social, political, physical, technological and human forces. New issues related to the environment, society, culture, economy and political setup are emerging. There is a necessity for all the scholars, thinkers and scientists to work on these newly emerging issues and problems. 

The book entitled “Contemporary Global Issues and Challenges” is a small literary effort towards these contemporary global issues. The book consists of 31articles on various global issues. The book throws light on various socio-economic and environmental aspects like deforestation, global warming, pollution, degradation in coral ecosystem, soil pollution, waste management, cultural pollution, terrorism, dalits and globalization, social justice and law, use of remote sensing, impact of COVID-19, space research etc. Each article is a serious effort to understand the multi dimensions of each issue and problem.

We, the editors are very thankful towards the authors and contributors of this book. Articles included in this book are the example of their creative thinking and writing. For readers, we tried our best to convey the ideas and thoughts of our contributors in their original format. We express our gratitude towards our staff members and colleagues for their valuable contribution and suggestions. We are also thankful towards Mr. Rajdeep Sharma of Sunrise Publishers, Jaipur for their nice composing and printing work.   

Dedicated to Maa Sarasvati and respected teachers.