The Romero Strain
註釋In New York City, a survivor group led by paramedic J.D. Nichols continues their quest at locating and rescuing the children abducted by Edward Stone, the self-proclaimed king of New York. Stone is a convicted sadistic sexual predator and serial murderer, and he and his group are hell-bent on butchering altruist J. D. and laying claim to the Sixty-Ninth Regiment Armory, where J.D. and his group have set up a refuge.

Nevertheless, killing Stone and rescuing the children isn't the only problem the armory leader has. Armory resources are running low. There are other hostile survivors to contend with, and J.D. is being trailed by a terrifying half-mute with a missing finger. However, the greatest threat to the armory group's survival may be J.D. himself, who is slowly mutating into a transmute. Can J.D. maintain his humanity long enough to save the children and relocate his survivor group to Upstate New York, or will his mutation overtake him, causing him to fail? And exactly why is the half-mute with the missing finger pursuing J.D.?