Human Health Risk Assessment Final Report : Coleson Cove Generating Station Refurbishment Project, Lorneville, New Brunswick
註釋This document presents a multi-pathway human health risk assessment of the Coleson Cove Generating Station near Saint John, New Brunswick. The assessment estimates potential risks to human health associated with direct & indirect exposure to emissions from the station under three sets of conditions: the existing condition, in which the facility continues to use heavy fuel oil as its energy source; the refurbishment project scenario, in which the facility is assumed to use Orimulsion[R] as an energy source; and a scenario in which the facility is assumed to use natural gas as an energy source. Risks are evaluated under facility operation at maximum capacity in order to ensure that health risks are overestimated and the results are health protective. After an introduction on the risk assessment approach, chapter 2 identifies the hazardous compounds expected to be emitted from the facility and presents results of air dispersion modelling & deposition modelling to estimate air concentrations of the compounds of concern and their deposition & concentration in soil & water. Chapter 3 assesses the toxicity of the compounds of concern and their potential carcinogenic & non-carcinogenic dose-response relationships. Chapter 4 uses chapter 2's estimates of concentrations of the compounds of potential concern to predict exposure of various receptors to these compounds. These receptors include hypothetical residents living in areas most affected by the facility. Chapter 5 combines the potential exposure dose for each receptor from each compound via each route of exposure with the appropriate dose-response value for that compound in order to estimate the potential for adverse health effects. Results are presented for each fuelling scenario. The final chapter discusses the assumptions that introduce the greatest amount of uncertainty in the risk assessment.