War With Satan
註釋This book is “packed full” of true episodes and events that I’ve experienced since I have been an Apostle. It is a “true” and “exciting” story, and it describes “real” experiences, and “real life” adventures, that I experienced “while” in service to The Lord, and it “also” describes communications between him and I. If you want to find out what God is like, “this book”, will provide that for you, it will tell you a lot about him, and maybe you can get to know him, “or”, get to know him “better”, which ever may be the case. It will “also” tell you a lot about Satan, and how he works, it will give you a lot of information about him that “you need to know”, because he “is” real, and he “is” around, I can “defiantly” attest to that. The Bible says that he “roams the earth” as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, and he has many different ways of doing that, he has been around a long time and he knows what he is doing. I feel sorry for the little ones, the world is like a jungle, with it’s “snares and traps” just waiting for them as they get “old enough” to encounter them.
Satan really worked hard to stop me from writing this book, and I think it is because he don’t want the truth known. So please read, and experience a “deeper” insight into the “two powers” that rule The Universe. “War with Satan” is a very “inspiring”, and “exciting” book, I hope you enjoy it!