註釋It's been called one of Asia's "miracle economies". The beauty of its mountains and rivers was astounding enough to attract the Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese navies.And, since, then it has produced everything from boba tea to famous director Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain) to millions of exported goods. This is Taiwan. It's where East meets West-and it has a lot to offer curious travelers.Whether you're a backpacker trekking through Asia on a budget, a business traveler coming to Taipei for a week of luxury, a descendant visiting the land of your ancestors, or someone who's curious about the history, culture, food, and people of this unique island-Taipei: Footsteps will help you experience Taiwan from the perspective of a local.Written and designed by a team of five local college students who researched every corner of the island over a period of eighteen months, this book includes listings and descriptions of both popular and lesser-known tourist sites. It also features easy-to-use guides and maps.In Taipei: Footsteps, discover for yourself why this island has captured the imagination of so many people around the world.