“How I Found Love and Happiness by Reprogramming My Mind” is more than just a love story. It highlights the journey by Jane King from being terribly unhappy and in deep emotional pain to finding her true love, a man who loves her with all his heart and for whom she is able to love unconditionally. Indeed, Jane needed to learn to love herself, before she could ask that of someone else.
Surviving a difficult childhood, and a stepmother who was jealous and destructive, Jane was left with many self-doubts and a conviction that she really was not lovable. As the years went by, her emotional pain became almost more than she could bear. After praying to God for help, God sent her what Jane considers an answer to her prayer, the key to reprogramming her subconscious mind and replacing all those negative messages with positive ones.
In this small book, Jane shows just how reprogramming worked for her; and having found true love, Jane has the deepest desire to help her readers learn to love themselves, so they too can find love and happiness.