Silent Terror

Silent Terror has a powerful message for all adult readers. Treated cruelly by her mother Ilona's spirituality is rooted in her six-year old heart when she discovers the old rugged cross. Rape and rape attempts during WWII mature Ilona very quickly. Under the Communist regime she experiences theft, dishonesty, hatefulness and disregard for dignity and humanity. Ilona is pressured into an arranged marriage with a vindictive man, who defrauds the Communist military and is targeted for elimination. To save his life, she is forced by her husband to flee during the Hungarian revolution with two toddlers. After their struggle to freedom in January, they are captured at the Austrian border. While being shipped to a Siberian labor camp, they jump the train and sneak by the Russian patrols to catch a train to the Yugoslavian border, where they are captured again. Under tight security in a former concentration camp, near starvation, Ilona literally eats dirt to save her children's lives. When she finally gains her freedom and arrives in Canada, her troubles are not over.

The description of these tragic events has all the sharpness and intensity of a fictionalized action adventure or mystery thriller story. Except that is real. The details are fascinating and spot on and give away the fact this actually took place.

Sometimes it is grim to handle the silent terrors of life, but with faith it is possible. By reading Silent Terror you will realize it yourself.