Private Enforcement of Competition Law
Luis A. Velasco San Pedro
Carmen Herrero Suárez
Joaquín Almunia
Alberto Arribas Hernández
Rosa Bayo Álvarez
Luis Berenguer Fuster
Cristina Cano Ortega
Marta Cantero Gamito
Michele Carpagnano
Esperanza Castellanos Ruiz
Phillip Collins
Julio Costas Comesaña
Jorge M. Coutinho de Abreu
Antonio Creus
Juan Delgado
Fernando Díez
Luisa M.a Esteban Ramos
Carmen Estevan de Quesada
Carlos Gómez Asensio
Mariana França Gouveia
Javier Guillén Caramés
M.a Isabel Huerta Viesca
Íñigo Igartúa Arregui
María Jeleztcheva Jeleztcheva
José Carlos Laguna de Paz
Robert H. Lande
Charlotte Leskinen
Loan Less
Vicente Mambrilla Rivera
Francisco Marcos Fernández
Jaume Martí Miravalls
Ricardo Manuel Mata y Martín
Lourdes V. Melero Bosch
Miguel Odriozola
Jesús Olavarría Iglesia
Martín Orgonik
Ingrid S. Ortiz Baquero
Benjamín Peñas Moyano
M.a Jesús Peñas Moyano
Eduardo Pérez Asenjo
Elena F. Pérez Carrillo
Patricia Pérez Fernández
Paola Piroddi
Achim Puetz
Jesús Quijano González
Antonio Robles Martín-Laborda
Amalia Rodríguez González
José Antonio Rodríguez Míguez
Juliana Rodríguez Rodrigo
Daniel Rodríguez Ruiz de Villa
Cristina Roy Pérez
Diana Paola Rubiano Meza
Elena Ruiz de Angulo Gómez
Miguel Ruiz Muñoz
Albert Sánchez Graells
Luis Ángel Sánchez Pachón
Jacques Steenberg
Julia Suderow
Claudia Trabuco
Elena Cristina Tudor
Carlos Andrés Uribe-Piedrahita
Jiri Valdhans
María Valmaña Ochaíta
Carmen Vaquero López
Víctor Villamil Ferreira
Richard Whish
Pedro Manuel Yanes Yanes
Lex Nova
, 2011-10
Law / Commercial / General
The private enforcement of competition law through damages actions and/or injunctions before ordinary courts of justice is currently the preferred system in the United States. It is playing an increasingly important role in Europe by supplementing a still predominantly public system based on disciplinary rules enforced by public authorities that do not entail compensation for victims. Compensation can only be achieved through private enforcement, which is already viewed as an alternative to the public system. This work, whose origins lie in the International Conference on the private enforcement of Competition Law held at the University of Valladolid's School of Law offers a comprehensive, pluralist overview of the subject by providing transversal approaches, joint assessment and information on various national experiences alongside more specific contributions that study specific matters of substantive and procedural law, by covering practically all the relevant issues in this field. The work also addresses the main problems of the system vis-à-vis private international law and its connection and interaction with public enforcement. Also available in Spanish language, with the title: La aplicación privada del Derecho de la competencia.