
A college education can open the door to greater participation in the workplace and community. With this urgently needed, research-based book, readers will learn what they can do to make this crucial opportunity available to young people with a wide range of disabilities. Professionals who work in high schools and colleges&mash;including disability service coordinators, guidance counselors, administrators, and general and special educators--will use this important resource to

  • help students make all of the necessary preparations, including selecting a college, applying, determining eligibility for services, and securing financial aid
  • create welcoming college classrooms through the use of universally designed instructional strategies, assessment methods, and accommodations and supports
  • address the specific needs of students who have psychiatric disabilities, learning disabilities and ADHD, and developmental disabilities
  • promote the important concept of self-determination to aid students in their transition to college life and professional life
  • learn students' rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • help students practice for and make the transition to the working world, using resources such as internships, career centers, and business partnerships

Filled with case studies, best practices, program guidelines, and strategies, this is a required resource for anyone who educates or coordinates services for individuals with disabilities. Readers will discover their part in helping young people gain access to a meaningful college education%mdash;one that promotes independence and responsibility, sharpens social skills, and builds a strong foundation for a successful career.