AS WE ENTER THE 21ST CENTURY faced with current global and human crises, society is being questioned as never before. In The Consciousness Revolution three pioneers at the cutting-edge of Western thought reflect on the chances of peace in the world, on how society is changing, and on the changes we can make in ourselves. They consider the roles of art, science, education, goals and values, world views, religion, spirituality and, above all, consciousness -- for the state of our consciousness is the key issue underlying almost everything else.As Ken Wilber asks in his Foreword, what does it all finally come down to? Peter Russell put it like this: 'Each little bit counts ... we are all part of the same ground-swell. The most important question we need to ask is how can I put my own life in greater alignment with that ground-swell? How can I do my little one-hundred-thousandth worth to facilitate that shift a bit further?
These intense and memorable discussions among three of the finest minds of our time convey a sense of excitement and passion which we can carry forward in our own lives. The Consciousness Revolution is an essential guide to how our map of reality is changing in the midst of the global transformations going on in all parts of the world and in every sphere of life, in us and around us.