The Curse of Treasure Island
註釋In 1883, Treasure Island established Robert Louis Stevenson's literary reputation and brought him instant fame. Its characters gained a permanent place in popular culture, especially the memorable one-legged rascal Long John Silver and his parrot, Cap'n Flint, squawking, "Pieces of Eight!" Now Francis Bryan gives due homage to the immortal original with this thrilling sequel. It is ten years since the Hispaniola sailed with its hoard of gold from Treasure Island. Now twenty-four, Jim Hawkins is doing well as a boastful local hero. Life is comfortable, if not too exciting -- until a beautiful young woman in distress appears. Smitten, Jim is soon led into some very rough waters. With no alternative, he returns to "that accursed island," where his comrades marooned three mutinous pirates a decade earlier, and learns the fate of Joseph Tait -- the most murderous buccaneer of them all.... Book jacket.