Get Talking Indonesian

 Indonesian language or often called as Bahasa Indonesia is a language spoken by approximately 240 million native speakers in the Republic of Indonesia itself. Bahasa Indonesia is a national language uniting the uniqueness of various tribes in thousands of islands in Indonesia. It’s a national language that has a long history back to the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Declaration) 28 October 1928 as one of the recoqnized three pillars nation-building.

Nowadays in practical context, most of Indonesian speaks Bahasa (acronym for Bahasa Indonesia), only Indonesian live in few rural areas that may not speak Indonesian and use local languages instead. This can be challenging if you are an adventurous type that love to visit distant exotic regions. On big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Medan, even to Makassar, using Bahasa as a foreigner may be a little tricky. The key is, if you are aiming to establish ‘au naturel’ communication with Indonesian, is to use “communicative” Bahasa everytime you engage them in direct less-formal communication. Bahasa native speakers use this “communicative” version of Bahasa in most of the daily conversations, while the formal one is used when they speak to senior members/elders, write a formal letters or business e-mails, academic thesis, etc. In GET TALKING INDONESIAN: 10 DAYS AUDIO COURSE, we will teach you how to master the basics and able to use the formal Bahasa. After you have mastered this formal

form of Bahasa, getting yourself familiar with the communicative form of Bahasa would be easier, and can be developed anytime during your visit on this beautiful and friendly country.



1. Contains over 100 vocabulary and over 50 Indonesian expressions to get you talking Indonesian.

2. 10 days audio course to support your visit/trip.

3. Contains practical themes such as hotel reservation, checking-in,

ordering a taxi, asking for direction, money changer, shop&restaurant,

airport and socializing with Indonesian friends.

4. Narrated by native speakers.


To download the audio cd files, check sku number on the back cover of this book. Then please visit KESAINT BLANC Website at http://www.kesaintblanc.co.id/this_digitalpen.php enter the sku number and click search. After that, download the zip file.

For more information contact us: info@kesaintblanc.co.id