1. Issue, Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares, 2. Issue or Rights Shares, 2.A. Bonus Shares, 2.B. Buy Back of Shares, 3. Redemption of Preference Shares, 4. Issue of Debentures, 5. Redemption of Debentures, 6. Final Accounts of Companies or Financial Statement Of Company, 7. Accounting for Amalgamation of Companies as per A.S. - 14, 8. Accounrting For Reconstruction, 9. Liquidation or Winding- upof Company (Based on Insolvency Bankruptcy Code - 2016), 10. Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Companies 11. Depreciation, 12. Accounts of Banking Companies, 13.Double Account System : Including Electricity Supply Companies, 14. Annual Accounts of Life Insurence Companies, 15. Valuation of Goodwill, 16. Valuation of Shares, 17. Underwriting of Shares and Debentures, 18. Managerial Remuneration,
Disposal of Profit (Including Divided)
Provision, Reserve and Fund
Accunts Of General Insurence Companies
Examination Paper