The Secret of the Chateau Tollendal

Unaware, they have been followed to Brittany’s magical and mysterious Quiberon Peninsula by Pierre Corbeau, an agent of the Count de Montard, Billy, Tom and Polly meet the enigmatic professor Tollendal and learn their real quest is to find the Rebus of Akhenaten. A picture puzzle of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs inscribed on a round gold plate made of nine parts, which, when deciphered, will show where the Pharaoh Akhenaten hid the great horde of treasure he took from the Priests of Amun-Ra in 1336BCE. A plate the secret society of Templar Knights, he leads, who found it on Jerusalem’s, Temple Mount in 1128 and then lost it in 1307, believe is an engine, machine, or device so powerful, whosoever possesses it will rule the world.