Trapped in the Congo Drama
註釋This book tells about the real drama that people of both Congo have gone through. Until now things haven't changed yet, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the situation in the eastern part of the country is still the same. The war is still maintained by those who are helping rebel groups to invade the DR Congo in one sole objective: the illegal exploitation of natural resources of the DR Congo. By helping corrupt dictators stay in power and by always letting rival army groups fight in the DR Congo, multinational corporations—supported by strong western governments—can continue their illegal exploitation of natural resources of the DR Congo. Some of the consequences of this situation are exactly what the author describes in this book: women are being raped over and over; children are becoming orphans because their parents are getting killed in the war; and people are destabilized because they are running away from the war zones. Also, the corruption that is generalized, makes people live in very poor conditions. People who are maintaining this kind of situation in the DR Congo do not care about the social living of the population; otherwise, what a five-years-old girl, orphan with infirmity in the leg, living by herself on the street, has done wrong to be punished in this manner? Clearly, minerals and other natural resources are the source of the suffering and misery of the DR Congo people. But, even when this country has a lot of minerals, this shouldn't be a reason to treat people less than animals. And about those natural resources which they dearly need, why can't they just find another way to deal with people of the DR Congo so they can all benefit from them without killing many people like animals? Let be human beings and respect God, the Creator, who gave us this planet Earth to live together in peace and harmony.