A supplemental manual to the Competencies for One Health field epidemiology (COHFE) framework
出版Food & Agriculture Org. [Author] [Author], 2024-05-20
主題Medical / Infectious Diseases
註釋This document details the guidance for criteria to develop continuing education (CE) programming in field epidemiology. [Author] The document provides information for minimum guidance to implement a CE programme at the country level. [Author] The need for field epidemiologists to strengthen a country’s capabilities in disease surveillance, outbreak investigation and response is recognized by the global health sector. [Author] Several countries already have applied epidemiology training programmes (e. [Author]g. [Author], FETP, FETPV, ISAVET) to develop or strengthen these capabilities. [Author] FAO, WHO and WOAH recognize that One Health is an integral part of these programmes, in accordance with the definition of One Health from the One Health High-Level Expert Panel. [Author]