El Mundo de Noé (Noe's World)
註釋Once the Weaver's thread has crossed the loom, to begin to weave our lives. Please know that we are not finished, He weaves until we die. (A poem written by Noé Lara, Jesus The Weaver) In his book, El Mundo de Noé, the writer shares his thoughts on the world of art and poetry. He uses his experiences as a social worker to point out that there are many out there who carry heavy burdens. Many have been physically or sexually abused while others have suffered emotional trauma due to non-caring parents, spouses, or other care-givers. He points out that there are many who feel that the art world is reserved for a select few and that this emotional outlet is not for them. Even though many secretly create art and write poems, because they have not mastered the form, feel that they cannot share them with others. Sharing, that can be exceedingly therapeutic for them as well as others who have similar experiences. Noé Lara allows the reader to define art and poetry in a way that is practical and meaningful for them Noé Lara is hopeful that our grandchildren will have the courage to challenge our societal beliefs that define progress as growing businesses at the expense of the environment, or initiating destructive wars in the name of peace. By sharing knowledge and aesthetic experiences, perhaps we will gain a better appreciation for the beautiful in the world and work for a brighter future while we enjoy our journey. An excerpt from author Anais Nin, from her book The Diary of Anais Nin sums up writer Noé Lara's need to create through art: Anais Nin, in her book The Diary of Anais Nin, writes: "Why one writes is a question I can answer easily, having so often asked it of myself. I believe one writes because one has to create a world in which one can live. I could not live in the other worlds offered to me: The world of my parents, the world of Henry Miller, the world of Gonzalo, or the world of wars. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I can breathe, reign and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That I believe is the reason for every work of art. The artist is the only one who knows the world is a subjective creation, that there is a choice to be made, a selection of elements. It is a materialization, an incarnation of his inner world. Then he hopes to attract others into it, he hopes to impose his particular vision and share it with others."