Избранные труды по семиотике и истории культуры
註釋The fifth volume includes works on mythology, history, religion and folklore. Particular attention is given to the twins cult in connection with the binary symbolic classification that was studied on a material different African, Indo-European (Roman, vostochnobaltiyskih, in particular the Latvian, and other) traditions. The subject of the study are mythological motifs that are common to different mythological traditions of Eurasia, in particular those which are reflected in the epic (including bird and animal). A series of works devoted to the myths of the monstrous wolf, or PSE, which became an object of worship and character many myths prevalent in Eurasia. The early symbolism of the ancient cities of Asia Minor compared with drevnebalkanskoy. A comparison of mythological and religious beliefs of the peoples of the Ancient East. Specially researched understanding of the inner psychic entities, allowing to trace the formation of concepts of consciousness in ancient Greece, in comparison with the ancient East. We studied the common features of folk stories of various Balkan peoples. The book is of interest to all interested in the history of religion, mythology and folklore of the world.