Unholy Conspiracies
註釋How we got trapped into invading Iraq.Specially selected characters have been assembled to tell the tale of conspiracies that swing back and forth across domestic and foreign soil. Attending the University of Pennsylvania, first year law students Conn McGinty, Sam Jablon, and Dominique LaPorte become acquainted by happenstance. Dominique had already been alerted to prepare for her role in the State Department as plant for a Wahhabi plot. Former Marine McGinty is bound for the FBI following graduation, Jablon a newspaper reporter. McGinty and LaPorte find themselves locked in the roles of star crossed lovers.Morris Sallis, Israel's Special Events Ambassador to the UN, vows eternal vengeance when he receives the severed tongue of his only nephew. After constant harassment, Mossad agent Dave Snyder is assigned to conduct a wet work on American soil.Al Pazza travels into the Saudi desert to receive his orders from his Bedouin grandfather, head of the Wahhabi. The greedy Paul Crittenden, junior senator from Utah and future Vice President of the United States, had been selected to carry out the political desires of the Wahhabi. The not to be neglected neo-conservatives, directed by Harry Lance a repatriated Nazi scientist, have their own political appointees and the assassins to keep them in line. They're so entrenched; their tentacles control portions of the FBI, and are sufficiently powerful to select and groom their own President. President Ken Pollard arrives in the Oval Office with his own easily manipulated baggage; which his wife, the former Sally Lee with the assistance of evangelistic Preacher Robertson, convert into an ardent belief that God Himself played a role in Pollard's selection. It was into this political morass that McGinty, Jablon, CIA Agent Nolan and reluctantly Mossad Agent Snyder, aided by FBI agent Howie Horowitz find themselves.