註釋The Amsterdam Metro East line has started a new life. A series of five underground and eleven above-ground metro stations was extensively renovated. The result is a metro line worthy of the Dutch capital: clear, comfortable and modern, with an eye for historical qualities. After more than thirty years of adjustments and renovations, renovation was badly needed. Only in this way could the Oostlijn continue to make a vital contribution to the future of Amsterdam as a growing city with an increasingly important role for public transport. Architectural firm GROUP A and strategic design firm Fabrique joined forces for this dream assignment. For this they took the original brutalist architecture as a starting point and at the same time made intelligent use of the serial character of the metro as a coherent system. Furniture, lighting, advertising and signage have been systematically addressed and architectural interventions brought the routing, safety and appearance to a new, higher standard. Tile panels and a series of special interventions reinforce the cohesion between the stations and the unique character of the Metro Oostlijn. The result is a renewed Oostlijn that embraces the past and focuses on the future. 'Metro Oostlijn Amsterdam' takes the reader on a journey along the prize-winning renovation of the Metro Oostlijn: from history to future, from vision to strategy, from drawing to production and from sketch to reality.