註釋This slim volume focuses on the groundbreaking experimental films that Bruce Nauman (born 1941) made between 1967 and 1969, in which the artist's own body is used as an instrument to relentlessly interrogate the human condition. After graduating from UC Davis in 1966, Nauman set up a studio in a former grocery shop in the Mission district of San Francisco and then in a sublet in Mill Valley. These two locations provided the setting for a series of performed actions which he captured in real time, on a fixed camera, over the ten-minute duration of a 16mm film reel. Among these films of this period are "Dance or Exercise on the Perimeter of a Square" and "Bouncing Two Balls between the Floor and Ceiling with Changing Rhythms." Published for an exhibition at the White Cube gallery in London, this catalogue is published in a numbered edition of 500 copies.